We proudly represent the following Shipping Line and Shipyard in Lebanon

Turkon Shipping Line – Turkey

Turkon Line, a family-owned maritime transport company established in 1997, has a rich history and a deep-rooted passion for the sea. Originally founded to transport containers to the USA, Turkon Line has since emerged as a significant player in global maritime trade. It holds the distinction of being the first Turkish company to offer direct service to the USA, boasting the shortest transit time in its sector.

Operating from various country headquarters and offices across the USA, Germany, Belgium, Italy, France, Spain, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Turkey, Turkon Line serves 40 ports across four continents through its extensive network of 20 agencies and 39 agency offices in 25 countries. This robust presence allows the company to provide tailored solutions to meet the diverse needs of its customers.

With a strong emphasis on sustainability, Turkon Line prioritizes the efficient use of natural resources and pollution prevention, aligning with its environmental policies. The company continually enhances the quality of its services through its offices and experienced team. Recognizing the evolving demands of the maritime transport sector, Turkon Line offers technological solutions to customers seeking digital services, complementing its successful “Customer-Specific Solutions” approach.

Turkon Line combines its extensive global reach, customer-centric focus, and commitment to sustainability to deliver exceptional maritime transport services.

We transport containers for our Lebanese clients from/to the listed destinations to Beirut-Lebanon:

Odessa – Constanta – Poti – Evyap – Gemlik – Marport – Kumport – Izmir – Mersin – Iskenderun – Alexandria – Port Said – Beirut

Additionally, we handle import and export transportation from/to New York, Savannah, and Norfolk.

We do also import and Export transportation from/to Jeddah and Aqaba.

New services are coming soon, will be updated on www.turkon.com which you can visit for any additional information related to Turkon Line.


Damen Shipyards – Netherlands

Damen Shipyards is a family-owned business founded in 1927 that revolutionized shipbuilding with standardization and serial production. Damen provides maritime solutions through design, shipbuilding, ship repair, and related services. Over its history, Damen has delivered more than 7,000 ships and continues to focus on sustainability and digitalization. The company began constructing vessels outside the Netherlands in the late 1970s and has since expanded its operations into the dredging, yachting, and naval markets. Notably, Damen was involved in the development of the Sea Axe Bow, a hull form that increases safety, onboard comfort, and offers more efficient sailing.

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